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Russian Studies

Key authors and call numbers

Some key writers of the Golden Age are shown below along with their call number range; the name as listed is the authorized form of the name for that writer. To search these names in the catalog, choose the "Author" index from the dropdown menu above the search box and enter the name, with last name first.

PG3325-3328 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881
PG3332-3335   Gogol', Nikolai Vasil'evich, 1809-1852
PG3337.L4-.L49   Lermontov, Mikhail IUr'evich, 1814-1841
PG3340-3359 Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837
PG3365-3417 Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
PG3420-3445 Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
PG3455-3458 Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904

Biographies of all these writers can be found in the database Dictionary of literary biography.

Search tip!

To find works written by an individual, search their name using the author search index in the catalog. To find works written about an individual, search their name using the subject search index in the catalog.

Useful vocabulary

dnevniki = diaries
izbrannaia poezia = selected poems
izbrannye sochineniia = selected works
ocherki = essays
perepiska = correspondence
p'esy = plays
pis'ma = letters
polnoe sobranie sochinenii = complete collected works
povesti = tales
proizvedeniia = works
rasskazy = stories
romany = novels
sobranie sochinenii = collected works
stikhotvoreniia = poems
zapisi = notes

Journal articles, reviews, and criticism

Start your quest for articles in Library Search. From your list of results, use the options on the left sidebar to refine your search (e.g., by publication date, journal title, peer-reviewed or not, etc.). 

You might consult specialized film studies databases as well, including the following: