When you find a book of interest, note the location, write down the call number, and check the status. Also look at the subject headings assigned to the book; you might find it useful to click on these headings to find similar books on your topic.
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Books in Vassar Library are assigned a call number according to the Library of Congress classification system. The call number consists of a combination of letters and numbers, and is designed so that books on similar topics will be near each other on the shelf and easy to browse.
If you want to browse the collection, call number ranges are as follows:
QH301 to QH705.5 -- General biology, Evolution, Genetics, Reproduction, Life, Ecology, Cytology, Economic biology
QK1 to QK989 -- General botany, Spermatophyta, Cryptogams, Plant anatomy, Plant physiology, Plant ecology
QL1 to QL991 -- General zoology, Invertebrates, Chordates (including fishes, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals), Animal behavior, Morphology, Anatomy, Embryology
QM1 to QM695 -- General human anatomy, Regional anatomy, human and comparative histology, Human embryology
QP1 to QP 981 -- General physiology, Neurophysiology and neuropsychology, Animal biochemistry, Experimental pharmacology
QR1 to QR502 -- General microbiology, Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Microbial ecology, Microorganisms in the animal body, Immunology, Virology
Also note that materials on medicine can be found in the call numbers spanning R5 to RZ999, while psychology books are found from BF1 to BF990. If you are looking for agriculture browse from S1 to SK664.