Faculty have borrowing privileges of one year, with many renewals and more. Faculty can also authorize research assistants for borrowing privileges. Spouses and children may also have borrowing privileges at the Libraries.
For more information, visit:

Research Assistants
Encourage or require your Research Assistants to schedule an Individual consultation with the librarian liaison for your department or program.
Research assistant cards
Faculty can make arrangements through the CIS Card Office for a Faculty Research Assistant Card that can be used for checking out library materials, ordering materials via interlibrary loan, and/or printing.
Interlibrary Loan

Course Reserves

Research and Teaching
Librarians can provide instruction in library and research skills, assist you in designing effecting research assignments, and ensure that materials are purchased for research and classroom use.

Scholarly Communication
The College's Open Access Policy provides an opportunity for faculty to contribute pre-print journal articles to our institutional repository. The libraries administer the repository and will work with you to put the materials online.

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