All phone numbers use the (845) area code. All email addresses require For general inquiries, please call the main library number (845 437-5760) and your call will be directed to the appropriate department.
A |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Andrew Ashton
Director of the Libraries
437-5787 | |||||||||||||
B |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Brittany Brickhouse User Services |
437-7762 | bbrickhouse | ||||||||||||
Debra Bucher
Head of Collections & Discovery
437-5763 | |||||||||||||
Amanda Burdine
Library Specialist
Director's Office
437-5785 | |||||||||||||
Rebecca Burwell
Library Specialist
Reserve Services
437-5779 | |||||||||||||
C |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Sharyn Cadogan
Digital Production Manager
Digital Scholarship and Technology Services
437-5229 | |||||||||||||
Sarah R. Canino
Music Librarian
437-7492 | |||||||||||||
Jessica Cartelli
Library Specialist
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
437-5764 | |||||||||||||
Ann E. Churukian
Assistant Music Librarian/Music Cataloger
437-7492 | |||||||||||||
James Costopoulos
Collection Manager
Collection Maintenance
437-7045 | |||||||||||||
Marissa Coté
Library Specialist
Music Library |
437-7492 | |||||||||||||
E |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Jake Eschler |
437-5776 | jeschler | ||||||||||||
F |
Name, Title, and Department |
Phone | |||||||||||||
José Fields
Library Operations Manager
User Services
437-5771 | |||||||||||||
G |
H |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Cindy Haskin
Library Specialist
Collections & Discovery
437-5781 | |||||||||||||
Tom Hill
Art Librarian
437-5791 | |||||||||||||
Alexandra Hoffman
Library Specialist for Electronic Resources
Collections & Discovery
437-5774 | alhoffman | ||||||||||||
Rodney Hoffner |
437-7348 | rhoffner | ||||||||||||
L |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Gretchen Lieb
Humanities & Multidisciplinary Librarian
Academic Engagement |
437-5770 | |||||||||||||
M |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Melanie Maksin Head of Academic Engagement Academic Engagement |
437-7346 | mmaksin | ||||||||||||
Emily McNeil
Library Specialist Collections & Discovery
437-5859 | |||||||||||||
N | ||||||||||||||
P |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Ron Patkus
Head of Special Collections
437-5798 | |||||||||||||
Artur Prifti
Building Maintenance
437-5792 | |||||||||||||
R |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Dean Rogers
Special Collections Assistant
437-5799 | |||||||||||||
S |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Elizabeth Salmon Social Sciences Librarian Academic Engagement |
437-5767 | esalmon | ||||||||||||
Nicole H. Scalessa
Head of Digital Scholarship and Technology Services
Digital Scholarship and Technology Services
437-5219 | |||||||||||||
Arianna Schlegel
Systems Librarian
Digital Scholarship and Technology Services
437-5772 | |||||||||||||
Mark Seidl
Special Collections Librarian/Cataloger
437-5811 | |||||||||||||
Lydia Smith
Library Specialist
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
437-7764 | |||||||||||||
Laura Streett
Electronic Resources Librarian
Collections & Discovery
437-5716 | |||||||||||||
T |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Sarah Tredwell
Library Specialist
Collections & Discovery
437-5761 | |||||||||||||
W |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
L. Merry Wells
Library Specialist
Collection & Discovery
437-5858 | |||||||||||||
Pambanisha Whaley Head of User Services |
437-5778 | pwhaley | ||||||||||||
Joanna Wissinger
Library Assistant
Music Library
437-7492 | |||||||||||||
Tracy Wright-Mauer
Library Specialist (Book Conservation)
Collections & Discovery
437-7347 | |||||||||||||
Y |
Name, Title, and Department | Phone | |||||||||||||
Julia Yu
Library Specialist
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
437-5949 |