“Between Past and Future: Building Bridges between Special Collections and Teaching for the Liberal Arts”
Friday to Sunday, 19 to 21 April 2024
(hybrid, with both in-person events and online participation by Zoom)
Celebrating the Acquisition of the
Nicholas B. Scheetz Collection
of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
In the long series of Symposia organized by the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence at various centers (since 1995), this invited event at Vassar College celebrates and complements the publication of a new catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Books held in Special Collections and the Art Center. A companion exhibition at The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center displays selected examples. The Symposium celebrates, in part, the acquisition of the Nicholas B. Scheetz Collection. The event gathers specialists, students, and others to consider the multiple rôles of these and other original materials in Special Collections in various centers. We examine their power and potential as cases — and causes — for teaching for the Liberal Arts.
More Information: https://manuscriptevidence.org/wpme/2024-spring-symposium-at-vassar-college/
Images: Vassar College, Archives & Special Collections Library, Nicholas B. Scheetz Collection. Left: MS 17, folio 58r, Peter Lombard, Great Gloss on the Pauline Epistles, France, 13th century. Right: MS 47, recto, Book of Hours, Northern France, circa 1425.