"Bach digital is a large, detailed, powerful database for exploring the constantly updated research findings on Johann Sebastian Bach and other composers in his family. Included are: complete, high-resolution scans of compositions (including 90 per cent of J.S. Bach’s works)"
Collections of autographs, manuscripts and or papers of: Distler, Eisler, Hartman, Michael Haydn, Mahler, Orff, Pfitzner, Reger, Rheinberger, Richard Strauss, and among others and the Schott-Archiv. Note: some are unavailable to off-site viewers. See also Primarily Published Editions for more content.
A VAST array of music manuscripts, printed music and sheet music collections. Subjects range from classical to popular, patriotic songs, show tunes, Civil War music.....
Contains approximately 3,500 items documenting the history of Western music from the medieval period through the modern era and is the richest composite gift of musical documents ever received by the Library.
Included in the array of Collections of Notated Music available through the Library of Congress, the Music Treasures Consortium provides online access to the world's most valued music manuscripts and print materials, held at the most renowned music archives, in order to further research and scholarship. Search them all by going to "Collection Items" and limiting by facets or browse by member: