How to avoid a trip to the Academic Panel by using available resources
When you encounter difficulties–which are an expected part of your college education–Vassar faculty and administrators are here to listen and help. First, get in touch with your professor and ask for advice. If you feel comfortable, feel free to share problems or experiences beyond the class that may be affecting your academic work. In the long run it’s much worse to plagiarize than it is to explain your predicament and ask what to do.
You can also make an appointment with a research librarian, whose job is to help you locate and use research resources. See the Library home page for the “Ask a Librarian” feature; depending on the day and time, you may text, call, email, or write to get help. You can also make an appointment at the Writing Center for advice on starting or improving a paper.
Your pre-major or major adviser can serve as a helpful resource. It’s also the job of the friendly folks in the Dean of Studies office to help with any academic or personal troubles you may encounter. You can always seek out your class adviser there, whose job is to listen, help you find solutions, and refer you to campus resources. You may ask for this meeting to be confidential.