Create an Account:
1. Go to
2. Create a login and password
3. Check Your email and open the link to activate your account. If you do not receive the email contact
4. Login
5. Add more information to your profile:
Add Hypothesis to Your Browser:
Install the Chrome Extension:
Start Annotating!
1. Click on the icon (top right), expand, and log in.
2. Browse to the resource you want to annotate (Website, PDF, or EPub)
3. Click on the note icon to add an annotation.
4. Choose Public so everyone can see your annotations or choose one of your Groups so only that group can see your annotations.
If you want your annotations to remain private you can create your own personal group.
Create A Group:
1. Click on “Groups” on the top right of the profile screen.
2. Click on “Create New Group”
3. Give the Group a name
4. Copy the URL to share with others so they can join your group.
5. All of the groups you have created, or are a member of, will be listed in that top left menu “Groups”
Note that all groups with the free account are private groups and the creator can moderate all annotations. Open and Restricted groups only work with the Hypothesis account system, or with publishers’ 3rd-party account implementations (Such as Moodle).
More Information How to Annotate with Groups: