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Pedagogy In Action Workshop: Building Open Educational Resources (OER) into your Syllabus to Promote Equity in the ClassroomSummer 2023

Building Open Educational Resources (OER) into your Syllabus to Promote Equity in the Classroom


Thinking about reimagining your syllabus for a more equitable and student centered classroom? Looking to replace an expensive textbook for a more affordable and engaging option? Open Educational Resources (OER) are free, digital, easily shared learning materials you can build dynamic instruction around. OER can be reused, remixed, revised, and redistributed, which makes it a powerful and flexible way to tailor learning materials exactly to your classroom’s specific goals and objectives. By replacing static and expensive textbooks with flexible OER, students can begin thinking of knowledge as something continuously created and ever changing.  

This workshop intends to provide faculty members with the support they need to adopt low and no-cost textbooks and class material solutions for their courses. Faculty will learn how to find, evaluate, and make a plan to integrate OER in their courses. By the end of this workshop we hope to build a community network to support OER adoption and usage in the classroom.

OER Glossary

Attribution Identifying who has originally created a published work - may be a requirement of a license if an item is repurposed or re-used.
Copyright A legal concept that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator to receive compensation for their work. 
Creative Commons &
Creative Commons Licenses 
The non-profit organization that manages a set of open content licenses. Creative Commons Licenses are applied to published work online and offer simple and clear information about what other people can and cannot do with that work.
Fair Use The legal term for allowing use of copyrighted materials under certain allowable conditions without permission from the copyright holder.
Licensing The process of choosing and assigning a license to a resource by the original creator. OER creators can choose from several licenses offered by organizations such as Creative Commons, with the license typically stipulating the conditions under which that resource can be used, shared, adapted, or distributed by other users.
Open Access A publishing model whereby authors make their content freely available with publishing costs typically met by authors or the institution to which they are affiliated.
Open Data Data that can be freely accessed, used and shared is open data. Sources include international inter-government, government and organizational websites, Open Data repositories, and online portals for specific research studies. The Open Data Handbook, by the Open Knowledge Foundation, discusses the legal, social and technical aspects of open data.
Open Education
& Open Pedagogy
An attitude, a practice, and a method of teaching that inspires inquiry, equal access to course materials, and sharing lessons and materials with the wider community.The philosophical underpinnings includes agency of the student, personal choice and fulfillment, experiential learning, teaching as facilitating and an approach that includes social and emotional aspects of learning. One framework authored by Bronwyn Hegarty includes eight attributes.
Open Educational Resources
Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Open Movement A range of open philosophies and models have emerged with different drivers and motivations, including sharing freely; free culture; making higher education affordable and reducing rising textbook costs; promoting economic efficiencies along with equity; and improving access to wide groups of stakeholders.
Open Source Software to which the programmer(s) allow access to the 'source code' or programming language. Anyone is free to use and/or modify this code for their own purposes.
Public Domain A work of authorship is in the public domain if it is no longer under copyright protection or if it failed to meet the requirements for copyright protection. Works in the public domain may be used freely without the permission of the former copyright owner.
Remix Adapting a work for your own use.
Repository A place for storage and retrieval of digital resources.
Repurposing Make use of a resource either after modification or for a purpose other than that for which it was originally created.
Reuse Make use of a resource as it is, for the original purpose intended. Alternatively, the adaptation, remixing or modification of OER for new and/or local purposes.
Share Alike Creative Commons license condition that allows others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work.