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Open Access FAQ

Information and resources addressing frequently asked questions about open access publishing

Publisher Agreements & Copyright

In traditional publishing, most publishing contracts include a Copyright Transfer Agreement section that transfers some or all of your rights to the publisher. This can result in giving up legal rights to use your work on course websites, distribute copies to students or colleagues, reuse portions of the work, or deposit your work in a public archive such as Vassar Scholarship.

To maintain control over your rights: 

Please contact Andy Ashton, Director of the Libraries and campus Copyright Officer, with questions regarding publishing and copyright.

Open Access, Monographs & Print Sales

Brown, L., Dayan, M., McLaughlin, B., Schonfeld, R. C., Sherer, J., & van Rijn, E. (2023, September 19). Print Revenue and Open Access Monographs: A University Press Study. Ithaka S+R.

Key findings: Sales of open access books are the core of this study. Our key finding is that almost all of the OA monographs we reviewed generated at least some revenue from print + ebook sales, and a healthy percentage—close to 30 percent—enjoyed sales of $10,000 or greater.

Additional Resources

Negotiating Author Agreements

Quilter, Laura. 2015. “2I Negotiating Author Agreements.” New England Copyright Boot Camp.