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SOCI 254: Research Methods

Key Questions for Strategic Reading

Not all articles will use these exact subheadings, however these questions can still be used to focus your reading.

Article Section Key Questions
  • What is the objective of the article?
  • What conclusions or results are presented in the abstract?
  • What issues does the author seem to be concerned about?
  • What is the gap in previous research that the authors are addressing with this analysis or study?
  • What theory or theories are being presented? 
  • How does the author test their hypothesis?
  • What evidence was collected? How is it used?
  • What were the major findings of the article?
  • Are the main findings expected?
  • Does the article meet its objectives?
  • Does the author address the problems or limitations of their research methods?
  • What does the author suggest as future research?

How to Use a Source

The BEAM model provides a framework for identifying how you might use a source in your own research. 

BEAM model details: Background to present information and establish facts; Exhibit to explicate, interpret, analyze; Argument to affirm, dispute, refine, extend; and Method to provide a critical lens, key terms, theory, style, perspective and discourse