gateway to all the statistical information of Latin America and the Caribbean countries collected, systematized and published by ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America)
Numbers for Development from the IADB, a source of development funding in Latin America and the Caribbean. Indicators include economic, industry, social data as well as more specialized datasets.
Provides summary level public opinion data for Latin America for the period 1995-2011, excluding 1999
Coverage includes population, demographics, labor, industry, transportation, trade, finance, national accounts and more.
The PDBA offers information about institutions and political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region. Updated to 2006.
Statistics on poverty, inequality, income and other socio-economic variables for all Latin American countries and several Caribbean
Includes data on GDP, population, school enrollment, C02 emissions, and life expectancy, among other indicators. Use the Data Bank tool to create data visualizations.
Digital Library of the Caribbean
Free, open access resources pertaining to Caribbean cultural, historical, scientific and research materials held in archives, libraries, museums, private collections, and other institutions of memory.