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Digital Preservation

Web Archiving

Vassar maintains a subscription to Archive-It, a web archiving subscription service offered by the Internet Archive. If you are creating a Vassar-related website that should be preserved or need access to large-scale web archiving for your research, contact the Digital Preservation Librarian (

To save individual web pages, you can use the free Internet Archive Save Page Now service. This can be useful both for pages you create as well as having a stable link to refer to when citing web pages.

To keep a personal, offline copy of a site, or for certain kinds of sites (Scalar and ArcGIS among others) which don’t play well with Archive-It’s web crawlers, we recommend the free, open-source web archiving tools from Webrecorder to create and replay WARC (Web ARChive) files, which are the standard format for web archiving.

Use ArchiveReady to assess the archivability of a given website. The Library of Congress has tips for making your website more archive-friendly.