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Translation Studies Research Guide

Scholarly resources for students of translation working in all languages.


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You will find resources here for the study of translation and for translating texts in various languages.  Select links to the left to specify translation resources for particular languages.



Translation Studies Bibliography. John Benjamins. The online Translation Studies Bibliography is the result of a cooperation agreement between EST, CETRA, University of Leuven and John Benjamins Publishing, launched in 2004.

BITRA: Bibliiography of Interpretation and Translation. University of Alicante.  This open source database indexes scholarship in the fields of Translation and Interpreting. It contains over 35,000 entries. Created and maintained by the faculty at the Universitat d'Alacant in Spain.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science. Universal Index of articles and book citations in scholarly journals in all fields and disciplines.  Search for documents and citations to a particular document or its author. 

MLA International Bibliography. Modern Language Association.  An annotated bibliography of scholarship in modern languages, literature, film, and folklore.  One can limit searches to specific languages.  See Thesaurus for terms related to translation.



Index Translationum. UNESCO.  This free database contains bibliographical information on books translated and published in about a hundred of UNESCO's Member States since 1979 and totalizing some 1,300,000 notices in all disciplines.  

Translation Database. Publishers Weekly. founded in 2008 by Three Percent and Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester, this database tracks publications of fiction and poetry published in the U.S. in English translation. With more than ten years of data, it is a robust tool for identifying what books are available, from which countries and languages, published by which publishers, and more. With the goal of determining what new voices were being made available to English readers, the database excludes all retranslations of previously published books, giving readers and researchers a clearer sense of what contemporary voices are making their way into English. 

Worldcat. OCLC. Contains records to over 100 million items in all subject areas. The database can be searched for the original (uniform) title of the work and you may limit your search by the language you are interested in to discover a translation. 




PLEASE NOTE:  This is a select list of primarily online dictionaries and lexicons to a limited number of texts and languages. For a more comprehensive to our print resources, which include many historical language resources, please search the library catalogue (Primo) using the language and the term "dictionary" as keywords in the subject field in advance search mode.


Oxford English Dictionary. [Oxford] ; [New York, N.Y.] : Oxford University Press, [1989-], 2000. Online availablity


Language Realm: Free Translation Resources. The Language Realm is a vast, free Web resource for language reference, learning, and study. Whether you're learning Spanish or Japanese, or want to find a good quotation or proverb, curious about the translation profession, you'll find what you want here.


TerminoTrad.   This site includes a list of Online Glossaries and other materials useful to translators and individuals learning to become translators. 


The Free Dictionary  /  Farlex.    Portal to a selection of free online dictionaries, general and technical, in many languages. 


Word Reference.  An online translation dictionary for multiple languages. 





Statistical and Neural Machine Translation website.  Maintained by Philipp Koehn.   This website is dedicated to research in statistical machine translation, i.e. the translation of text from one human language to another by a computer that learned how to translate from vast amounts of translated text.

Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology (CRITT). Kent State University. The primary aim of the research carried out at CRITT is to build up new knowledge of translation and communication processes and provide a basis for technological innovation in this field. On the one hand, the center's research looks outward at the transformational processes in organizations and societies that are significant features of globalization, and, on the other hand, it looks inward at the mental and language processes which constitute communication and translational expertise.




Machine Translation. 1989-<2004> : Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989- / 2005- : [Dordrecht] : Springer Netherlands / -2021: Switzerland : Springer / Vol. 4, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-v. 35, no. 4 (Dec. 2021).  Available online. 



See also works under the heading Machine Translation in the Library Catalogue (Primo).





American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)A professional society which addresses language related-issues and has members worldwide.

American Translators Association (ATA)A professional association of translators and interpreters which fosters professional development of individuals within the field.

ATISA: American Translation and Interpreting Studies AssociationAn association which encourages and supports translation and interpreting studies.

Lexicool's List of Translator and Interpreter Associations around the WorldA list of international associations and also associations by country is provided.

Oxford Comparative Literature + Translation A research centre based jointly in The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities and St. Anne’s College. We run seminars, a postgraduate-led discussion group, workshops and conferences.