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Resource Guide for Librarians and Archivists with Palestine Event

This guide provides more avenues for exploration of the topics discussed in the April 24th, 2024 event featuring materials created by Librarians and Archivists with Palestine.

Libraries, Books, and Culture in Gaza Today - Resources on the Ongoing Genocide


Cultural Heritage and Genocide in Gaza, April 2024

Recording of virtual talk by Dr. Mezna Qato in conversation with Khaled Al-Bashir on the destruction of cultural institutions in Gaza.


UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza, April 2024

Press release from UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner about the deliberate destruction of the Gazan education system.


Israeli Damage to Archives, Libraries, and Museums in Gaza, October 2023–January 2024

Report by Librarians and Archivists with Palestine on libraries and other cultural institutions damaged by Israeli aggression and Palestinian information workers who have been killed.


These Are the Poets and Writers who Have Been Killed in Gaza, December 2023

Literary Hub article by Dan Sheehan listing poets and writers killed by Israel from October-December 2023, including some librarians and other information workers.


Palestinian Poets on the Role of Art in Fighting Genocide, December 2023

Discussion between Summer Farah, Rasha Abdulhadi, and Samah Fadil, published on Electric Literature.

Other Recent Resources on Libraries and Cultural Institutions in Palestine


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Guidelines, news, and other resources from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.


Librarians and Archivists with Palestine's Recommended Readings and Resources, 2024

LAP's recommended resources, organized by topic. Includes sections for news, BDS, literature by genre, libraries and archives, and more.


Outside the Locus of Control: Palestinian Digital Archives Resist Israeli Settler-Colonial Erasure, 2023

Article by Roxy Moon published in the Journal of Palestine Studies on Palestinian digital archiving.


Private Libraries in Nablus Have a Bright Past and an Uncertain Future, 2021

Article by Palestinian journalist Lara Kanaan on the history and current state of Nablus private libraries.