As you are doing research, you may encounter paywalls prompting you to purchase articles. The Library's collections and interlibrary loan (ILL) networks are in place so you never have to pay out of pocket for e-resources.
You will see publisher full text links in your database search results. These might bring you to the full text, but if you are prompted to pay for an item, look for the Vassar Link to Full Text option.
GoogleScholar may also link you to full text through a publisher, an institutional repository, or a copy the author (s) posted online.
Check for the item within Library Search to confirm our access, or connect with ILL options.
If you are off-campus, confirm your proxy connection.
If you frequently encounter paywalls for library e-resources, especially if you know Vassar subscribes to the source, see Connecting from off-campus on this guide for troubleshooting tips.