Index to scholarship on East, Southeast and South Asia, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. Date range: 1971-present
Index of articles from scholarly journals spanning the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Provides cited reference searching capability.
The Web of Science “Core Collection” includes the following:
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Book Citation Index - Science (BCKI-S)
Book Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (BCKI-SSH)
Current Chemical Reactions (CCR-EXPANDED)
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Index Chemicus (IC)
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Consider the database's:
Since every database has different holdings (some unique, some overlap) you will need to search at least a few databases to ensure you have explored as much of the resources available to you as possible.
From Assignment 2: For example, you could look at quantitative data set looking at how acreage of land planted with GM seeds in China has changed over time and a recent policy document outlining new regulations surrounding the safety of GM seeds
Main Concepts & Potential Search Terms
Acreage of land: agriculture, farm
GM Seeds: genetically modified, transgenic, crop, rice, cotton,
China: Heilongjiang province
Policy: regulations, law
Sample Searches
China AND (GMO OR "genetically modified" OR "genetically altered" OR transgenic) AND (crop OR rice OR cotton OR seeds)
ProQuest Social Science Collection