The best help you can get in the Vassar Libraries is from the people who work here. We're friendly and knowledgeable, and we wouldn't work in a library if we didn't love to help!
Includes the Miscellany Monthly (1872-1915), Miscellany News (1914-2011), Vassar Quarterly (1916-2015), Vassar Chronicle (1944-1978), Unscrewed (1978-1989), Vassar Spectator (1983-1993), Womanspeak (1987-1992), and Left of Center (1988-1992).
Archive of hundreds of digitized journals published in the arts, humanities and social sciences. A sister database, Periodicals Index Online, provides additional indexing for articles in over 4,700 periodicals.
Portal to collections of historical material held by libraries and archives of academic, historical, and other cultural institutions across the United States.