Numbers – A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
20th Century International Poster Collection, circa 1917-1950
Achert, E.
Alternative Press Collection, 1967-1977
Anderson, Harriet (VC 1903)
Antolini, Julia
Artistic Autographs Collection, 1800-1869
Askew, Pamela (VC 1946), circa 1950-1980
Asprey, Winifred (VC 1938), circa 1920-2007
Atkinson, Ruth Lamb (VC 1918), 1781-1970
Avery Family Correspondence
Babson, Helen Corliss (VC 1905), circa 1905-1962
Bacon, Marion (VC 1922)
Baldwin, J.F.
Banning, Margaret Culkin (VC 1912)
Bardenat, Florence Varr (VC Ex 1917)
Barnum, Charlotte and Clara (VC 1881, 1888), circa 1870-2001
Bartelme, Gertrude Spaulding (VC 1915), 1916-1921
Bates, Gail Oberlin (VC 1939)
Bechtel, Louise Seaman (VC 1915)
Bement, Grace Power (VC 1903)
Benedict, Ruth Fulton (VC 1909)
Berkshire Conference Records
Binna, Katherine (VC 1940)
Bishop, Elizabeth (VC 1934), circa 1880-2003
Bishop, Elizabeth (See also: Elizabeth Bishop Estate and Posthumous Events Collection)
Black, Mary Fite (VC 1947)
Blatch, Harriot Stanton (VC 1878)
Blodgett Family Account Books, 1895-1976
Booth, Lydia, 1825-1844
Borden International Postage Stamp Albums
Borton, Mark (VC 1984)
Bowman, Winifred Comstock (VC 1925)
Brady, Cyrus Townsend Jr.
Brigham, Katherine (VC 1936)
Brown, John
Brown, Margaret deM.
Bruccoli (Mitchell Kennerley Collection)
Burchard, Anna T. (VC 1897)
Burroughs research material (Lloyd Peterson Collection)
Calvin, Ruth (Goodkind) (VC 1922), 1918-1923
Campbell, Mildred
Carey, Jane C. (VC 1931)
Carmer, Carl
Carper, Ann
Carrier's Address Collection
Carroll, Ruth Robinson (VC 1922)
Chandler photography
Churchill, Ruth Hornblower (VC 1908)
Claflin, Agnes Rindge (VC 1897)
Clark, Bertha E.
Clark, Evalyn
Clark, Francis Underhill (VC 1891)
Clarkson, Rosetta Shear (VC 1914)
Clemens, Samuel (See McKinney Family Papers - Samuel Clemens)
Cleveland-Anderson cartoons and wood blocks
Clinton, Margery (Samuel L. Clemens Correspondence)
Coatsworth, Elizabeth (VC 1915)
Cold Spring Institute
College Seals [Seals of other colleges]
Collier, Elizabeth Brownell (VC 1906)
Collier, Laura Brownell (VC 1874)
Conference 2020 Records, 1969
Conner, Alison Murphy (VC 1935)
Cooley, Nellie Wooster (VC 1886)
Crane, Jeanne (VC 1945)
Crawford, Marjorie
Cuinberti, Julia (VC 1944)
Cuneiform Tablets
Cutler, Amelia MacDonald (VC 1907)
Cutler, Janet N. (VC 1934)
Dale-Lichtenstein Stamp Catalogs
Day, James
De Launay, Nicolas
Delmas, Gladys Krieble (VC 1935)
DeWees, Edith Hilles (VC 1914)
Dickens, Charles (See Whittaker Family Charles Dickens Manuscript Collection)
Dodge, Josephine Jewell (VC 1875)
Domestic Service Collection
Dupleix, Joseph-Francois
Dutchess County Loyalists Papers
Dwight, William Buck
Edson, Elie Charlier
Ehrman, Anita (VC 1956)
Einstein, Albert (Adele and Morris Bergreen Collection)
Eisenstein, Elizabeth (VC 1945-4)
Elizabeth Bishop Estate and Posthumous Events Collection, 1973-2013
Elmegreen, Debra
Elverhoj (William and Sally Rhoads Collection), 1887-1985
Falk, Joy
Federal Theatre Project Posters
Federal Writers' Project Records
Fellheimer, Jeannette (VC 1921)
Fite, E.D.
Fitt, Harriet Bradley (VC 1913)
Flad, Harvey K.
The four books of kings (i.e. Samuel and Kings), [between 1670-1730?] (Ethiopic MS)
Fradkin, Elvira Kush (VC 1913), 1932-1972
Francis Fitz Randolph Collection of Incunabula Leaves
Frank, Nancy E. (VC 1982)
French autograph collection
Furness, Caroline Ellen (VC 1891), 1840-1934
Garis, Leslie (VC 1964)
Gay, Mary (VC Ex 1881)
Gelderman, Carol (Mary McCarthy research material)
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (Mary C. Schlosser Collection)
Giraud Jr., Jacob Post
Glidden, Annie M. (VC 1869)
Goldman, Olive Remington (VC 1919)
Goodwin, Abby Moore
Gow, George C.
Graves, Nancy (VC 1961)
Gray, Zoe (VC 1910)
Greeting Cards
Griffin, Charles
Griffin, Mary (VC 1926)
Groten Poster Stamp Collection
Groth, Betty (VC 1932)
Gruener, Katharine Elizabeth (VC 1921)
Guardia, Gloria de Alfaro (VC 1963)
Guernsey, Jane Howard (VC 1949) (Cornaro research material)
Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton, 1894-1959
Hall, Joan Joffe (VC 1956)
Hamlin, Mary Parmele (VC 1896)
Hannah M. Parkhurst's Boarding and Day School Records
Hardenbrook, Mildred (VC 1908)
Harris, Benjamin
Hewlett, Irma Waterhouse (VC 1914)
Hogarth, Grace Weston Allen (VC 1927)
Holmes, Miriam Abbot (VC 1912)
Hooker, Blanche (VC 1931)
Hori, Florence Taye Shima (VC 1923)
Howe, Marshall V.
Howe, Rosalind (VC 1928), 1928-1999
Howland, Edith (VC 1886)
Hudson Valley Panoramics (Eric Lindbloom)
Hyde, Grace Hempstead
Iannucci Modern American Literature Manuscript Collection
Incunabula Leaves - Francis Fitz Randolph Collection
International Women's Year Conferences
Islamic Manuscripts Collection, 10th century - 19th century
Jacobs, Catherine Hadyn Jones (VC 1920)
Janish, Jeanne Russell (VC 1924)
Jenkins, James
Johnson, Burges
Johnson, Jeh Vincent
Jordan, Mary (VC 1945)
Jovanovich, William (Mary McCarthy material)
Kalstone, David
Kelley, Elizabeth — Notable Authors Clippings
Kenyon, Helen (VC 1905)
Knights of Malta Research Material
Koste, Virginia Glasgow (VC 1945)
Ladd-Franklin, Christine (VC 1869)
Lamson, Genieve, circa 1918-1944
Latham, Leslie (VC 1945) (See Hill Family Papers)
Leech, Margaret (VC 1915) - Reveille in Washington
Leith, Priscilla Tremper (VC 1956)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Lives Manuscript Collection
Levy, Jessica (material from the film version of Mary McCarthy's The Group)
Lewis, Grace Robbins (VC 1925)
Library of Information Pamphlets, 1938-1946
Lindbloom, Eric (See Hudson Valley Panoramics Collection)
Linner, Edward
Lockwood, Helen Druscilla (VC 1912)
Long, Lois (VC 1922)
Lowe, Jeanne R. (VC 1945-4), circa 1941-1972
Lowie, Luella Cole (VC 1916)
Lowrie, Rebecca Lawrence (VC 1913)
Luckau, Alma
Lutz (Alma) Collection of English and American Women Authors, 1801-1876
MacDonald - Spanish Refugee Aid Collection
MacKay, Anne (VC 1949) (See Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Lives Manuscript Collection)
MacKay, Isabel Dorman (VC 1925)
Macmahon, Arthur W. (Arthur Whittier)
Makemson, Maud
May, Sybil Huntington (VC 1914)
McCarthy, Mary Fitt (VC 1941)
McDaniel, David (VC 1979) and Richard Redlon (VC 1980)
McGrew, Julia
McKee, Mildred (VC 1919)
McKenna, Rollie (VC 1940), 1948-1983
McKinney Family Papers - Samuel L. Clemens
McKinney Family Papers - McKinney Family
McKinney Family Papers - Jean Webster (VC 1918)
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection, 11th century - 17th century
Merrill, James (Bannon McHenry Collection)
Milholland, Inez (VC 1909) (microfilm)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent (VC 1917)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent (Anne Gardner Collection)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent (John S. Van E. Kohn Collection)
Miller, T.P. (See Lucy Maynard Salmon Historical Materials Collection)
Miscellaneous Autograph Books
Miscellaneous Historical Maps Collection, circa 1558-1989
Miscellaneous Poughkeepsie Materials
Montessori Materials
Morgan, Daphne (VC 1940)
Murray, Janet H. (VC 1926)
National Woman's Party Pamphlet Collection
National Women's Political Caucus
New Left Collection
New York State Education Workshops, Summer 1965
New York State Mental Health & Retardation Planning Committee, Hudson River Regional Mental Health Planning Committee
New York State Women's Meeting Resolutions July 8-10, 1977
Newcomer, Mabel
Nixon, Robert
Nollen, Emeline Bartlett (VC 1894)
Oyama, Sutematsu Yamakawa (VC 1882)
Padelford, Louise (VC 1924)
Palm Leaf Manuscripts
Patterson, Mary Marvin Breckinridge (VC 1927)
Paulsen, Allison Clement (VC 1939)
Pell, Herbert Claiborne
The Peshitta, circa 11th century (Syriac MS)
Peterson, Lloyd (John Burroughs research material)
Phelps, Eleanor (VC 1928)
Pick, Robert
Pitkin, Emily Knapp
Platt, C. A. (Charles Adams)
Poughkeepsie Data
Power, Sarah Goddard
Print Blocks
Printed Illustrations of Oxford and Oxfordshire Collection
Pritchett, John Perry
Private Press Prospectuses
Ramsey, Alice Huyler (VC Ex 1907)
Rathbone Collection, 1550-1798
Raymond, Cornelia Morse (VC 1883)
Read, Jennifer (VC 1968)
Redlon, Richard (VC 1980) and David McDaniel (VC 1979) (See McDaniel, David (VC 1979) and Richard Redlon (VC 1980))
Remington, C. Matilda (Mortimer), 1851-1871
Reynolds, Martha May (VC 1915)
Richards, Ellen Swallow (VC 1870)
Richards, Keane
Richardson, Margaret H. Laidlaw (VC 1923), 1916-1928
Riley, I. Woodbridge
Roberts, Edith
Robertson, Lauri (VC 1975)
Robertson, Priscilla (VC 1930)
Rockwell, Emilie Love (VC 1912)
Rollinson Family Papers
Ross, James B.
Scheetz (Nicholas B.) Collection, circa 9th-18th century
Scheiber, Barbara Gair (VC 1942)
Schlessman, Mark
Schneider, Jean (VC 1921)
Schoonbeck, John
Schreiber-Noll, Ilse
Schwartz, Julia Augusta (VC 1896)
Shanley, Mary L.
Shattuck, George B.
Shaw, George Bernard (Serlin Collection), 1920-2006 (bulk 1920-1951)
Sheridan, Dixie (VC 1965)
Shima, Florence Taye (VC 1923)
Sinnock, Hildegard Germann (VC 1913)
Slotkin Collection of Title Page Facsimiles with Attached Original Leaves
Smith, Frances Scott "Scottie" Fitzgerald Lanahan (VC 1942)
Smith, Virginia B.
Snyder, Alice D. (VC 1909)
Snyder, Rowena
Socialism & Anti-Socialism Pamphlets
Spingarn, Natalie Davis (VC 1943)
Springside Landscape Restoration, 1870-2024
Sterling, Alice (VC 1932)
Stevens, Lydia Hastings (VC 1939)
Stone, Joseph
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Schlosser Collection), 1838-2021
Stravrides, Ria
Sullivan, Andrienne F. (VC 1918)
Tag, Florence K. (VC 1911)
Tall, Christine Vassar (VC 1947)
Theater Ephemera Collection
Tonks, Oliver S.
Turner, Elizabeth Thornton
Turner, Susan (VC Faculty)
Twain Ephemera
Ulster County Gazette Facsimile Collection
Upton, Elizabeth Fenno (VC 1903)
Uriu, Shigeko Nagai (VC 1878-1881)
Valentine, Gertrude C. (VC 1912)
van der Maas, Josina (VC 1955)
Vance, Gertrude Richardson Ladd (Pratt) (VC Ex 1917)
Vantine, Warren Kay
Vassar, Matthew, Jr.
Villard, Mary (VC 1934)
Walt Foundation
Warthin, A. Scott - Retirement Tribute
Washburn, Margaret Floy (VC 1891)
Watkins, Ruth (VC 1940)
Webster, Jean (VC 1918) (See McKinney Family Papers - Jean Webster)
Wesbrook, Elizabeth Barney (VC 1912)
Wesbrook, Mary (VC 1935)
White, Henry Seely
Whittaker Family Charles Dickens Manuscript Collection
Williams Family (Harriet Trumbull Williams, VC 1870)
Wislocki, Florence Clothier (VC 1926)
Wolven, Edmund L. - Glass Plate Negative Collection, 1897-1944
Woman Suffrage & Women's Rights Collection
Women, Miscellaneous Materials on
Wright, Margaret
Wylie, Laura Johnson (VC 1877)
Yamakawa, Sutematsu (VC 1882) (See Oyama, Sutematsu Yamakawa (VC 1882))
Yorke, Susan (VC 1936)
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